The report fees of the employees who define their IBAN number via E-Devlet or ALO170 are deposited in their bank accounts.Thanks to the new application, it is not necessary to go to the PTT to get the report fee. ...
As of 01.01.2022, the Minimum Living Allowance (AGI) was abolished for all employees after 14 years, due to the introduction of Income Tax and Stamp Duty exemption for all employees up to the minimum wage amount. ...
The law, which allows citizens under the age of 18 to be included in the Private Pension System (BES), was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly and became law.With the amendment made in the Insurance Law, the ...
It is included in the regulation made in the 17th article of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law numbered 5510 regarding the calculation of the temporary incapacity allowance, which is given to the insu ...
Government officials who want to learn their salary information with the E-Payroll service question how to log into the e-payroll system. With e-Payroll offered to citizens as a service of the Ministry of Finance, civil ...
The paper payroll period for civil servants is coming to an end. Salary information will be sent by e-mail and 2,400 trees will be saved from being cut down a year. The government has decided to end the officer's payroll ...
Payrolls are arranged by the employer every month and the insurance deductions, tax deductions, advances, working hours, amounts should be found in detail. Since it is an official document by both the employer and the em ...